

Friday, July 15, 2011

Generation one: Part one: Leja confiding in herself.

Have you ever felt like you were being watched? I've felt that way for a while. Ever since I found my little spot here, I have felt like my neighbors watch me constantly. It, of course, doesn't help that my neighbors are all rich airheads, and my area looks like a dump. Thanks mom.

I have found that one of my favorite spots in this place, though, is the Wright Reading Room. I can just sit and read or write, and let the rest of the world just fade away. I even met two very nice women there: Sarah Sigler and Stanze Brown. Well, Sarah's nice. Stanze doesn't like me much, but Sarah and I seem to be becoming fast friends.

Of course, in the middle of writing I get called into work, and it's a long day of bed pan cleaning and toilet scrubbing for low pay. Gross. Someday soon I will be a famous writer, and will have found that perfect guy for me, and this life will be in the past. Take that, sissy!

I have to keep reminding myself, though, that it could be worse. I could be injured in the hospital with no insurance, and no one to take care of me. Then again, I don't have insurance anyway. Or, I could be dead... But sometimes I feel like that would be better than where I am now.

Dear diary, 
I finally pulled the money together to get a bed. Now hopefully my back won't be so achy, and maybe I'll be able to sleep a full night. My friends Stanze and Sarah, I have found out recently, are lesbians. At least I know Sarah is, but Stanze... I'm not so sure. She seems too out there to stay loyal to anyone. Possibly bi. I could be wrong, I mean, I am only an outside onlooker. 
I hate my job at the hospital. It's so effing crowded. I just want to sit at the library and write, but who can do that on an empty stomach, right? 
I'll pull it together someday.

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