

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Generation one: Part two: A Romantic Interest

I never knew there were so many horrible people in the world. Mother, for one. What in the world posessed her to have children? Then there's Stanze. I believe her to be cheating on Sarah, and Sarah's either ignoring it, in denial, or just doesn't know.

I brought that up because I got robbed last night. The bastard took the book the publishing company had sent to me last week.

Tom and I are getting along nicely, I think this might work out very well for my future. He's very sweet. Sometimes I can't help but stare into his eyes for what seems like forever. That little adrenaline rush when he calls me gets stronger every time, and never fails.

I'm starting to like weekends. Work is like a reminder of highschool. Go figure.

Tom decided he wanted to see my place. When he asked if he could stop by, automatically it was "Yes!" and then I got scared. I just said he could see my place. My mess.

He sat on my couch.
"So this is your place," he said, looking around. I was much too scared to say anything. "It's no wonder you were so quiet about it. Did you really think I would judge you because of it?"

That surprised me. I looked up. We had only met a week ago, but he made my body tingle. This was more tingly than usual.

"Come here," he told me. I sat next to him on the couch, and he put his arm around me.

I was so nervous and stunned. I did what I saw most girls do in those romantic films. I leaned my head on his shoulder. Damn, this was great. My heart was racing and my face was hot.

"I really like you. You know that?" He said out of nowhere.

"I," I cleared my throat, "I like... you too... Alot." I am so weak. That was so lame.

Then I noticed the ring. How could I have not noticed it before? He's married? I've been flirting with a married man?

Of course, if he's cheating on her, he may not even love her. Or maybe he has only lust for me. I like the first option.

"I have to get home, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

If he got a divorce to be with me, would he cheat on me, too?


Or is it because he likes me more?

"You okay?"

"Huh?" I didn't even realize he was talking to me. Aquarius, the deep thinker. Sometimes it's not all that great.

"I'm going to go home now."

"Oh. Uh... Okay." I must have had an extremely confused look. He stood there and regarded me for a few seconds, and walked away.

Dear diary,

He's married, but he's always on my mind. I've worked so hard at getting him to like me, and then I find this out. I'm just so confused. Hopefully I work myself out over the weekend.

Give me a hint, please teach me a lesson on how to steal a heart as fast as you stole mine. 

I also learned he is rather inappropriate.


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